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1/2 Homework and Subject Learning

In Year 1, we expect the children to complete a minimum of 10 minutes of homework per week in addition to daily reading. This could include Phonics, spellings, DoodleMaths or practising the key instant recall facts for Maths. In Year 2, this expectation increases to a minimum of 20 minutes per week in addition to daily reading.

The children take up to five books home each week and will have the opportunity to change them on their reading day each week. In Year 1 these books are fully decodable and in line with their phonics learning at school. This is to allow them to apply the phonics they have learnt and to focus on reading with fluency, expression and understanding. In Year 2 the variety of books widens and the focus is now more on improving their fluency and on deepening their vocabulary and comprehension skills. Please ensure that the children keep their reading books and reading record books in their book bags all week, so that they are available when needed. We will be rewarding house points for each day of reading recorded and signed by an adult. This can also include books from home and from the library. Little and often is recommended!

Each term the children will be given some key spellings to learn at home. These spellings will be linked to the phonics, spelling patterns and key words covered in their curriculum. Spelling overviews for this term are available below. A hard copy will also be sent home at the start of each term.

Maths homework is to complete the daily tasks (10mins) set on DoodleMaths. These tasks need to be completed independently by the children as the software adjusts the future tasks (either up or down) based on how they are managing. Please support your child in logging on daily. Aim for a minimum of 4 times a week. Each year group also has KIRFS (Key Instant recall facts) to learn each term in order to aid Mathematical fluency. For the focus for this term please see below.

Topic - Magnificent Monarchs

This project teaches children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they build up an understanding of the monarchs and then research six of the most significant sovereigns.

Companion Project - Push and Pull

This project teaches children about three types of mechanism: sliders, levers and linkages. They make models of each mechanism before designing and making a greetings card with a moving part.

Companion Project - Cut, Stitch and Join

This project teaches children about fabric home products and the significant British brand Cath Kidston. They learn about sewing patterns and using a running stitch and embellishments before making a sewn bag tag.

Companion Project - Portraits and Poses
This project teaches the children about official portraits of kings and queens from the past. They learn about how each painting included different elements to show how important and powerful they were. They will go on to produce some portraits of their own.