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3/4 Homework and Subject Learning

Driver project: Ancient Civilisations

This project teaches children about the history of three of the world’s first ancient civilisations: ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. Children will learn about the rise, life, achievements and eventual end of each civilisation.

Ancient Civilisations



Novel study

Secrets of a Sun King (Paperback)

A girl from London becomes an unlikely heroine in a quest to break an ancient curse that threatens her family. Her quest takes her to Egypt. She forms good friendships along the way and solves mysteries about her life and the life of the young pharaoh, Tutankhamun, who lived 3000 years ago.

History Ancient Civilisations
Geography Revision and retrieval practice

Electrical circuits and conductors


Statues, Statuettes and Figurines

Islamic Art

DT Tomb Builders

Vocal instruction with K Minien from Berkshire Maestros

PE Athletics and rounders 
PSHE Healthy me/Relationships/Changing me. 

Hinduism: Hindu Beliefs

Hinduism: Pilgrimage to the River Ganges


All around town

On the move


Repetition in Shapes

Repetition in Games