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Roles and Responsibilities

Governor Roles


Type of Governor

Other Responsibilities

Office Term Dates

Lesley Roberts Ex-Officio by virtue of office as Headteacher

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Finance and Staffing Committee

Joined 01/09/16
Sian Armitage

Co-Opted Governor

Chair of Governors

Chair of Curriculum and Standards Committee

Link Governor to Yr 5/6 Class

First appointed 18/11/22

18/11/22 to 18/11/26

Katie Dickens Foundation Governor

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Finance and Staffing Committee

First appointed 11/11/22

11/11/22 to 11/11/26

Erica Littlejohns Parent Governor

Vice Chair

Chair of Finance and Staffing Committee

Link Governor to Yr 3/4 Class

First appointed 18/04/23

18/04/23 to 17/04/27

Rev. Ben Phillips Foundation Governor

Curriculum and Standards Committee

PPG governor

Link Governor to Yr 1/2 Class

First appointed 20/03/19

05/04/22 to 04/04/25

Michael Quinton Parent Governor

Finance and Staffing Committee

Link Governor to Yr 5/6 Class

23/11/23 to 22/11/27
Liz Robertson Staff Governor


First appointed 28/04/24

Debi Beaumont Co-opted Governor SEN Governor 10/07/24
VACANCY Local Authority Governor