Staff wellbeing
At Streatley Primary we understand that being well promotes and retains a healthy environment. Here are some of the ways we support our staff here.
Teaching and learning
No grading lesson observations
Professional library
£250 per year group for resources from FoSS (on top of school budget)
CPD tailored to individual needs
Time for staff to put training in action
Clear communication
Comprehensive support for ECTs through the UCL ECF programme
Schemes of learning to support teacher workload
Feedback and marking policy support planning
Teaching assistant support
Encourage manners and independence
Clear and effective behaviour support in place to support all staff
Clear communication
Managing workload
Email protocol- no expectation to answer emails out of working hours and holidays
Adjustments made to training in light of parents' evenings
No direct emails from parents to teaching staff
Flexibility for individual needs for discretionary leave
Directed time ends at 4:30pm
Other opportunities and wellbeing
Flu jab available
Staff social events- Christmas, Easter and Summer
Half termly meet ups
Magazines and puzzle books in staffroom
Free office 365 apps
Counselling available
Centralised systems – SIMS
High level of support for trips and visits
Birthday club for staff
Supportive friendly staff